Our Philosophy

Guiding the framework of our overall strategy is a set of core beliefs that underpin our investment philosophy.

  • Asia-Pacific is currently the world’s fastest growing region and will fuel global growth for the foreseeable future.
  • Investing in Asia is complex with vast social, political and cultural diversity within its territories as well as across its borders.
  • As income levels rise and living standards improve, significant growth potential will arise in certain industries and companies.Those that prosper will be the ones that can harness modern technology and integrate global best practises.
  • Identifying quality companies to invest in is a critical skill and requires intensive on-the-ground research as well as sound selection criteria.
  • There are valuable opportunities for well-positioned investors who understand that companies are not always priced appropriately by the market, especially in periods of high volatility.

Since we began investing in Asia more than two decades ago, we have also adopted the following principles to guide our investment process and style:

  • Be on-the-ground to get a real perspective

  • Conviction is key, price is the signal

  • Take a long-term view but not a static or lazy view

  • Valuations are not a precise number, they’re a range of outcomes

  • Embrace market volatility to execute

  • A team-based approach builds in redundancy, objectivity and accountability

Responsible Investing


Allard Partners embraces the concept of Responsible Investment (RI) at a firm-wide level. We have always held the view that financial metrics are only one measure of a company’s success. To achieve long-term success a business must proactively invest in its people, culture, research, customers and the communities in which it operates. If a company does this effectively over time, it will be reflected in the quality of its brand, distribution systems, management team and ultimately in its operating metrics.

RI is our investment approach that focuses on sustainable practices and incorporates upside ESG opportunities and downside ESG risks into the investment decision-making process. We believe that the consideration of ESG criteria aids an investor’s evaluation of the long-term sustainability of a business in terms of its strategy as well as its ability to attract and retain talent and customers.